==== Holy Gird ====
^ Holy Gird ^^^^
| {{ items:armors:Holy Gird.png }} ||||
^ Description ^^^^
| Virtue and high morals ||||
^ Item Type ^^ Level ^^
| Ring || 15 ||
^ Dmg ^ Def ^ Blk ^ Crit ^
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
=== Dropped by the ff. Monsters ===
^Image^Name^Level Range^Description^Region^
|{{ monsters:mobs:BianFu.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:BianFu|BianFu]]|1 to 19|His screach sounds like REEEE|SunWood, near the small waterfall, inside the laughing caverns|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Cranky Plank.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Cranky Plank|Cranky Plank]]|1 to 19|Stiff as a board is a fair statement|SunWood, near the small waterfall, inside the laughing caverns|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Rocky.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Rocky|Rocky]]|1 to 19|Rock hard jaw built for boxing |SunWood, near the small waterfall, inside the laughing caverns|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Mutascipula.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Mutascipula|Mutascipula]]|18-28|The drainage from Belengrand really affected these flowers|Tabula Rasa Highlands\\ Perennial Woods\\ Azealias Caverns|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Jelly-Belly.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Jelly-Belly|Jelly-Belly]]|18-29|Jiggly jiggly jiggly|Tabula Rasa Highlands\\ Perennial Woods\\ Azealias Caverns|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Tribalist.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Tribalist|Tribalist]]|18-29|No one knows whats behind their masks\\ one can only assume its not pretty|Tabula Rasa Highlands\\ Perennial Woods\\ Azealias Caverns|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Grotesque Gargoyle.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Grotesque Gargoyle|Grotesque Gargoyle]]|29-39|Found in Belengrand castle lurking in the dark|Inside the Belengrand Fortress\\ Inside the Belengrand Easter Zone|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Harbinger.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Harbinger|Harbinger]]|29-40|Known for being alcoholics and degens|Inside the Belengrand Fortress|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Yoshimura.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Yoshimura|Yoshimura]]|29-39|Such a foul smelling possessed creature|Inside the Belengrand Fortress|
|{{ monsters:mobs:Bender.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Bender|Bender]]|36-50|TBA|Al-UkMar Region\\ The Crystal Caverns|