==== Vidar's Bronze Cleaver ==== ===== ^ Vidar's Bronze Cleaver ^^^^ | {{ wiki:nfts:Vidars_Bronze_Cleaver.png }} |||| ^ Location ^^^^ | Sunwood |||| ^ Slot ^^ Level ^^ | Weapon || 15 || ^ Dmg ^ Def ^ Blk ^ Crit ^ | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | === Description === Your words \\ \\ === Dropped by the ff. Monsters === ^Image^Name^Level Range^Description^Region^ |{{ monsters:mobs:BianFu.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:BianFu|BianFu]]|1 to 19|His screach sounds like REEEE|SunWood, near the small waterfall, inside the laughing caverns| |{{ monsters:mobs:Cranky Plank.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Cranky Plank|Cranky Plank]]|1 to 19|Stiff as a board is a fair statement|SunWood, near the small waterfall, inside the laughing caverns| |{{ monsters:mobs:Rocky.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Rocky|Rocky]]|1 to 19|Rock hard jaw built for boxing |SunWood, near the small waterfall, inside the laughing caverns|