==== Vidar's Flame Cleaver ==== ===== ^ Vidar's Flame Cleaver ^^^^ | {{ wiki:nfts:Vidars_Flame_Cleaver.png }} |||| ^ Location ^^^^ | Holmapal |||| ^ Slot ^^ Level ^^ | Weapon || 70 || ^ Dmg ^ Def ^ Blk ^ Crit ^ | 6 | 1 | 0 | 1 | === Description === the blood I have spilled \\ \\ === Dropped by the ff. Monsters === ^Image^Name^Level Range^Description^Region^ |{{ monsters:mobs:Norsemen.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:Norsemen|Norsemen]]|67-74|Dont try to understand them.. They speak as if they've been chewing rocks.|Holmapal\\ Brekka| |{{ monsters:mobs:lykos.png }}|[[monsters:mobs:lykos|lykos]]|67-75|Constantly attacking chickens and caught binge drinking vodka|Holmapal\\ Brekka|