
Back Story

“Donavan is a captivating rogue within the Empire of Sight, possessing a rugged charm that conceals the scars of his unconventional upbringing. From his first breaths within the walls of the infamous Belengrand Brothel, he was thrust into a world of seduction and sin. Raised amidst the swirling chaos and the constant symphony of whispered desires, Donavan's journey into the shadows began.

Growing up in the heart of the red-lit district, Donavan's experiences within the Belengrand Brothel provided him with a unique lens through which he views the intricacies of human nature. Immersed in the tapestry of characters, he developed an uncanny ability to read people and skillfully navigate the complex web of social interactions. Observant and perceptive, he can effortlessly discern the true intentions of those around him, distinguishing between ally and adversary.

Donavan's upbringing in the Belengrand Brothel cultivated his resourcefulness and streetwise nature. Through countless daring escapes from tight situations, he honed his dexterity and agility. He possesses a keen intellect, always seeking valuable information and hidden treasures in the shadows of the city.

While his origins might have sentenced him to a life of desperation, Donavan's spirit refuses to be bound by the circumstances of his birth. Fueled by a fierce independence, he is determined to transcend his past. His quick wit and adaptability allow him to outmaneuver any challenge that comes his way.

Beneath the veneer of a roguish exterior lies a complex soul. Donavan grapples with conflicting emotions, haunted by the stigma attached to his association with the Belengrand Brothel. Deep within, he yearns for acceptance and an opportunity to prove his worth beyond the shadows of his origins.

Armed with a rapier-sharp wit, a nimble physique, and an unwavering resolve, Donavan walks the tightrope between lawlessness and a moral compass that guides him. As he navigates a treacherous world of thieves, politicians, and dark forces, he seeks not only redemption but also a place where he can carve out his own destiny, one audacious escapade at a time.”

Combat Style
Rogue (Melee)
Medium damage output from skills with medium healing attributes
  • characters/donavan.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/06/21 09:57
  • by kjpogi